Water & wastewaterWater services

Service water is utilized for general plant services that include pump and instrument seal water, fire water, demineralization, cooling and make-up water supply. Storage tanks with a capacity to support three days to one week of operation, allow continued plant operations in the event the supply of water is interrupted. Collectors and storage tanks are typically fixed roof, vertical cylindrical steel tanks.
Level measurement and flow detection devices are crucial for effective water source management. Typical measurement ranges are from 24 to 50 feet.
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Series B73 and series 75 sealed external cage liquid level switches

Pulsar® model R96- 6 GHz non-contact radar transmitter

Jupiter® JM4 magnetostrictive level transmitter

Eclipse® 706 guided wave radar transmitter

E3 Modulevel® liquid level transmitter

Displacer switches – single, dual and tri-switch series