Water & wastewaterWater storage tanks
Storage for reclaimed water ranges from small tanks for potable and service water use, to large, open or enclosed, reservoirs. Large capacity storage – most commonly in open reservoirs – is necessary for off-line storage of peak flows, flow-through in-line storage, and long term storage of seasonal flows that are discharged during alternate seasons.
Level monitoring is essential for large and small water storage tanks. Controls are specified according to the size and geometry of the bulk storage vessel. Level controls in open atmosphere reservoirs must frequently withstand punishing weather conditions.
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Talk to an expertProducts for this application
Pulsar® model R96- 6 GHz non-contact radar transmitter
Models T20 & T21 top-mounting single-stage and dual-stage float switches
Model T10 cable mounted float level switch
Jupiter® JM4 magnetostrictive level transmitter
Eclipse® 706 guided wave radar transmitter
E3 Modulevel® liquid level transmitter
Displacer switches – single, dual and tri-switch series