Common applicationsFlow: Air flow

The flow of air is monitored in nearly all industrial settings, including processing applications, determining fuel-to-air mixtures for combistion, cooling, blowing & drying, aeration, ventilation, filtration, and ingredients mixing. Compressed air is essential for pneumatic tools, materials handling, painting, oxidation, fractionation, cryogenics, refrigeration, dehydration, filtration and aeration. A gas flowmeter with a totalizer provides an accurate measurement of compressed air consumption. Flowmeters help ensure efficient operation at rated SCFM output and are also used to detect leaks.
Flow rate measurement and totalization of flow usage are vital to efficient operations. The combustion efficiency of burners, furnaces and dryers is enhanced by obtaining repeatable flow measurement of the inlet combustion air. Significant airflow variables include pipe diameters, wide flow ranges, varying velocities and low flow sensitivity. Flow switches are necessary to help maintain flow rates within operational parameters allowing for automatic shutdowns or alarms when they drift out of pre-determined ranges.
- COMPRESSED AIR FLOW: Air that is compressed and contained at a pressure greater than atmosphere has become industry’s universal power source. Seventy percent of all manufacturers operate compressed air (CA). Process operations dependent upon CA include pneumatic tools; materials handling; painting; oxidation; fractionation; cryogenics; refrigeration; dehydration; filtration and aeration. Flowmeters help ensure efficient operation at rated SCFM output and are also used to detect leaks. A Flowmeter with a Totalizer provides an accurate measurement of CA consumption.
- MASS FLOW OF AIR: The flow of air (78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and traces of eight other gases) is monitored in nearly all industrial settings, including applications for processing; air/gas mixing; cooling; blowing & drying; combustion; aeration; ventilation; filtration; ingredient mixing; air sampling, and many others. Significant airflow variables include pipe diameters, wide flow ranges, varying velocities and low flow sensitivity. Large-duct flow applications for Thermatel include combustion air flow used in determining fuel-to-air mixtures for industrial boilers, heaters, furnaces and kilns.
The combustion efficiency of burners, furnaces and dryers is enhanced by obtaining repeatable flow measurement of the inlet combustion air. Ducts can vary from six-inches in diameter to many square feet. Too little air and combustion is incomplete; too much air and combustion efficiency is greatly reduced. - MASS AIR AND COMPRESSED AIR FLOW: The flow of air is monitored in nearly all industrial settings, including applications for processing, air/gas mixing, cooling, blowing & drying, combustion, aeration, ventilation, filtration, and ingredients mixing. Compressed air (CA) is essential for pneumatic tools, materials handling, oxidation, fractionalization, cryogenics, dehydration, filtration and aeration.
Significant air-flow variables include pipe diameters, wide flow ranges, varying velocities and low flow sensitivity. Flowmeters help ensure efficient operation at rated SCFM output and detect air leaks. A flowmeter with a totalizer provides an accurate measurement of CA consumption. - AIR AND GAS FLOW MONITORING: From the wellhead to the compression station, monitoring the flow of natural gas is essential. Other flow monitoring applications found in natural gas settings may include mass air and compressed air flow, process and waste gas flow (often required for reporting environmental emissions), and pump protection afforded by the sensing of reduced or no-flow conditions.
Significant flow variables include pipe diameters, wide flow ranges, varying velocities, and low flow sensitivity. Flow meters ensure efficient operation at rated SCUM output and also detect leaks. A flow meter with a totalizer provides an accurate measurement of air or gas consumption.
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