Natural gasGas Dehydration
Natural gas dehydration removes hydrates which can grow as crystals and plug lines and retard the flow of gaseous hydrocarbon streams. Dehydration also reduces corrosion, eliminates foaming, and prevents problems with catalysts downstream. Natural gas is dehydrated according to the customer’s specifications for maximum water content.
The most common dehydration method is the absorption of water vapor in the liquid desiccant Triethylene Glycol (TEG). The withdrawal of the water rich glycol from the bottom of the absorber is facilitated by a level control. High and low level shut down can be applied to the reboiler, surge tank and flash separator.
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Talk to an expertProducts for this application
Tuffy®II side-mounted float switch
Series 3 ASME B31.1, ASME B31.3 and NACE external cage level switch
Jupiter® JM4 magnetostrictive level transmitter
Gemini™ magnetic level indicator
Eclipse® 706 guided wave radar transmitter
Echotel® 961/962 single- and dual-point ultrasonic level switches
Flanged external cage liquid level switches
Aurora® magnetic level indicator
Atlas™ magnetic level indicator