Power generationCooling tower intake & basin levels
The hyperbolic cooling tower releasing clouds of water vapor is the iconic image of nuclear power. Warm water from the condenser is pumped to the natural draft cooling tower, distributed to remove waste heat to the ambient atmosphere through evaporation, and collected in a basin prior to being recycled back to the condenser.
The cooling tower’s intake structure, typically a vertical wet pit, requires level sensing and pump control. Water basin level controls maintain level through the addition of make-up water and are frequently configured with high and low level alarms.
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Series B73 and series 75 sealed external cage liquid level switches
Pulsar® model R96- 6 GHz non-contact radar transmitter
Models T20 & T21 top-mounting single-stage and dual-stage float switches
Jupiter® JM4 magnetostrictive level transmitter
Eclipse® 706 guided wave radar transmitter
Echotel® 961/962 single- and dual-point ultrasonic level switches
Displacer switches – single, dual and tri-switch series