Crude oilWellstream separation
The first step in processing the well stream is to separate the crude oil, natural gas and water phases into separate streams. Oil and gas fields utilize two-phase gas/oil and gas/condensate separators as well as three-phase gas/oil/water separators. Units are classified according to horizontal or vertical configuration, operating pressure, turbulent or laminar flow, and test or production separation.
Interface level measurement will actuate a valve to adjust vessel level. An emulsion layer along the oil/water interface can contaminate the oil with water or the water with oil. Foaming along the gas/liquid interface, if entrained, can cause liquid carryover or gas blow-by.
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Talk to an expertProducts for this application
Thermatel® TA2 thermal mass flow meter
Series 3 ASME B31.1, ASME B31.3 and NACE external cage level switch
Jupiter® JM4 magnetostrictive level transmitter
Gemini™ magnetic level indicator
Eclipse® 706 guided wave radar transmitter
E3 Modulevel® liquid level transmitter
Displacer switches – single, dual and tri-switch series
Flanged external cage liquid level switches
Aurora® magnetic level indicator
Atlas™ magnetic level indicator