Crude oilVapor recovery unit
If allowed to escape into the atmosphere, hydrocarbon vapors diminish income through loss of hydrocarbon volume and create fire hazards and pollution problems. A Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) collects vapors from storage and loading facilities, reliquefies the vapors and returns the liquid hydrocarbons back to storage. Methods to recover vapors include absorption, condensation, adsorption and simple cooling.
A VRU is a simple, economical process unit that provides EPA compliance and improves operating economies by capturing up to 95% of fugitive emissions. Critical to the VRU is the flash drum where vapors are reliquefied. Liquid level control of the flash drum is essential.
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Talk to an expertProducts for this application
Tuffy®II side-mounted float switch
Thermatel® TA2 thermal mass flow meter
Series 3 ASME B31.1, ASME B31.3 and NACE external cage level switch
Jupiter® JM4 magnetostrictive level transmitter
Gemini™ magnetic level indicator
Eclipse® 706 guided wave radar transmitter
Echotel® 961/962 single- and dual-point ultrasonic level switches
E3 Modulevel® liquid level transmitter
Aurora® magnetic level indicator
Atlas™ magnetic level indicator