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Feature for Detecting Particulate Buildup on Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter Probes

Although GWR technology has many advantages, the probe may be subject to particulate buildup from the process, such as viscous or sticky fluids. However, our Eclipse 706 radar features advanced self-diagnostics that detect and monitor probe buildup, enabling users to schedule cleaning and maintenance before any issues occur.


When the buildup detection feature of the Eclipse 706 model is enabled, the waveform is scanned every five minutes, with up to five buildup locations monitored.


During the scan, when buildup is detected, the locations are checked against all previously recorded locations.


Displays the % compared to the current limit value. This feature can be used by the customer as a dynamic HART variable (SV, TV, or QV) for proactive maintenance.

See how it’s not just superheroes who can have X-ray vision? By using the Eclipse 706 Guided Wave Radar, you and your plant will have crucial data even before approaching the equipment.