Alutal is a pioneer in temperature sensors, such as thermocouples and thermoresistances, being a reference today throughout Brazil and abroad.
In addition to the concern for excellence in services and products, Alutal is concerned with creating quality technical content, with reliable and accurate information for the entire community.
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Hey folks, all right? I am Guilherme. And this is the Pyrometry Tips channel, where we will always be talking to you.
We’ll talk about how to use temperature sensors, what are their best applications for each type of sensor, and how to solve complex problems in a simple way.
Today we will see a question that many customers ask and that is doubtful to many engineers and professionals in the field of automation.
What is the best thermocouple?
In fact the best thermocouple is the one that best fits your application ie you don’t have an exact answer, each process is very distinct from each other.
In a certain process you need specific accuracy, in another process the response time ie the speed the sensor will react to the medium change is more important, in another you may have acid or a corrosive gas that will Attack your sensor.
Thus in a given process, or from one process to another, each temperature sensor must be tailored to its application.
For example, if you have ever worked with thermocouples or temperature sensors you know that there are several types, such as type K, type R, type S, type B thermocouples, and each works within a temperature range.
What I want to put to you is that not necessarily a type S thermocouple that reaches a temperature of 1,350 ° C is better to apply than a J thermocouple, which goes up to 450 ° C.
In certain applications, obviously within that same temperature range, the J-type thermocouple may work best up to 450 ° C while S at very high temperatures will perform better.
This is just a feature, just the type of thermocouple but other things with the type of sheath it is on, what type of construction is it, whether it is mineral or conventional insulation, if it is angular, if it has tube Ceramic protection and endless other configuration possibilities will determine the best type of sensor for your process.
So whenever you need a temperature sensor inside an application where you don’t know or know you are performing poorly, that you are dissatisfied, look up the internet, the manufacturers’ websites or even feel free to call or send an email to We will be happy to help you. Thanks guys, see you next time.