Alutal Measure & Trust

5580 Smart Vibration Signal Conditioner

The 5580 is a new generation DIN rail mounted Smart Vibration Signal Conditioner from Metrix. It has been designed to accept signals from machine casing mounted velocity sensors, accelerometers or shaft observing proximity probe systems and produce a 4-20 mA output proportional to the measured variable. It provides the user with a programmable signal input type for two independent channels plus a configurable feature to scale output either to peak or RMS units.

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The product


– Two channel module, one or two channels enabled
– Field configurable full-scale range
– Field selectable input type and output scale units
– Field reconfigurable High, Low and Band Pass
– Frequency Filters for specific machine conditions
– Reduced cost alternative to rack mount monitors
– Drives dynamic signals over long distances (300 m or 1000 ft)
– Interfaces an accelerometer, velocity sensor, or proximity probe system to a PLC, DCS or other 4-20 mA input monitor
– Provides 4-20 mA output proportional to vibration level
– Sensor/cable input status light (green/red LED)
– BNC connector for waveform analyzers


– Industrial Fans
– Motors & Generators
– Process Pumps
– Centrifuges
– Natural Gas/Diesel Engines
– Gas Turbines

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Energy self-sustainable


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ISO 9001

Certified since 2006


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