Alutal Measure & Trust

9334-111-XXXX-YYYY Splashproof Cable Assembly with stainless steel armor

Model: 9334-111-XXXX-YYYY Splashproof cable assembly with stainless steel armor; uses 2-Pin Mil-style MS3106 female non-threaded (friction fit, molded boot) connector. Connector is fully potted to prevent moisture ingression. Cable armor covers 0.25” diameter polyurethane jacketed cable with twisted, shielded pair wires. Connector pre-installed on one end, flying leads on other end. Rated to 121°C (250°F) max.

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The product

XXX.X = armor length in meters;
Min: 0005 (0.5 m) Max: 0595 (59.5 m)

YYY.Y = cable length in meters;
Min: 0010 (1.0 m) Max: 0600 (60.0 m)
Cable length must be at least 0.5m longer than armor length.

All lengths (XXXX and YYYY) available in 0.5m increments only.

Use with:

  • ST5484E
  • ST6917
  • ST6811
  • SA6200A
  • SA6200
  • SA6250
  • SV6300
  • IT6810
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