Alutal Measure & Trust

FT-50 Vibronic Level Switch

FT-50 is designed for indentifying high and low level and output singal to prevent overfill or use indication of empty liquid in the tank by identifing interface between two different media through inline density measurement . It identify the density difference in liquid by resonance principal.

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The product

When the forks come in contact with a liquid, the resonant period are difference between the liquid and air, then the interface between the liquid and air will be detected and it output alarms.


Providing indentifying Hi/Low level by measuring Interfaces between two different media and output alamrs.


NO/NC Output Definition

Alarm TypeStatusAlarming statusRelay StatusOutput
HiAlarmIn LiquidAlarmingoffAlarming
In AirAlarmingonNormal
LowAlarmIn LiquidAlarmingonNormal
In AirNo alarmingoffAlarming

Model Selection

Technical Data

PrincipleMeasuring TypeResonance
Measurement Deviation1000Hz
AccuracyMeasuremetn Deviation±1mm
ApplicationDensity Range500~1200 kg/m³
Viscosity Range0.1~1000Cts
Process conditionProcess Temperature-40℃~+150℃
Ambient Temp.-40℃~+70℃
Signal OutputNO/NCNO/NC Relay output;
Current2-wire current(16A/8A)
VoltageFor Current outputDC 21V~25V
For NO/NC outputDC 15V~32V
For Instrisic Safety TypeDC24V~48V
MaterialWetted partsSS 316L
CasingAluminium alloy
Fork Length Customized
Cable Entry 2*NPT 1/2
Flange Min 2inch (Class 300, Class 150)
Hazardous and Safety ApprovalIngress protectionIP68
Safety FunctionSIL 2
Intrinsic safetyEx d ⅡC T6 Gb Ex ia ⅡC T6 Ga
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