Alutal Measure & Trust

MX2030 Ceramic Tip Probe Series

The Metrix* MX2030 ceramic tipped probe series uses an 8mm tip diameter probe. The models are available with standard thread sizes and body configurations required in the API 670 Standard. The probes offer a full 80 mil (2mm) range, and are designed to offer full API 670-compliant performance characteristics when used with a matching MX2031 extension cable and MX2033 driver or MX2034 transmitter.

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The product

The alumina ceramic tip and 304 stainless steel probe case provide robust protection and increased life for applications in ammonia, ammonia hydroxide, hydrogen sulfide or other extreme pH environments. The ceramic tipped probes are rated to 34 Bar (500 psi) pressure. The ceramic probes are for applications where only the front of the probe case assembly is exposed to corrosive gases and liquids. The rear probes are not sealed and must not be exposed to destructive environments (e.g. NH3, NH4OH, H2S, etc.)

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