Alutal Measure & Trust

Optical Pyrometer - CellaCrystal® PX 45 (900 – 3200 °C)

The CellaCrystal PX 45 has been developed for optical temperature measurement in the production of graphite, graphene and crystals. The pyrometer, which is based on the two-colour measuring method, is characterized by a very large measuring range with a constant high resolution of < 0.1 K over the entire measuring range. With its very high long-term stability, this device fulfils the requirements for the high measuring accuracy needed in production processes. With the help of the through-the-lens sighting or the video camera, the pyrometer can be precisely aligned to the measuring point.

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The product

Special features:

  • Measuring range 900 to 3,200 °C
  • PX 45 AF 1: especially for the production of graphite, graphene and crystals
  • hybrid signal evaluation for high metrological resolution
  • high long-term stability due to minimal self-heating
  • focusable lens for exact adjustment of the measuring distance
  • standard feature: analogue output and IO-Link interface
CellaCrystal   PX 45 AF 1 /D   
Measuring   range   
900 –   3200 °C    
Focus   distance   
0,4 m –   ∞    
Shape of   the measuring field   
Distance   ratio   
210 :   1    
PZ   20.01    
Measuring   principle   
Sighting   option   
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