Alutal Measure & Trust

Optical Pyrometer - CellaTemp® PKL 63 (650 – 1600 °C)

The CellaTemp® PKL 63 two-colour infrared thermometer has a rectangular measuring field. It is realized purely optically, i.e. without moving parts. The measuring object can move freely within the measuring field. This makes it possible to reliably measure the temperature of moving objects such as vibrating wires. A rectangular measuring field is also more advantageous when the position of the measuring object varies, e.g. when billets or metal rods on a roller table are to be measured.

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The product

Special features:

  • Measuring range 650 to 1,600 °C
  • rectangular measuring field for temperature measurement of moving objects
  • switching output universally configurable
  • high optical resolution due to precision lenses
  • IO-Link interface
  • all parameters can be set via pushbutton on the sensor
  • very simple mounting via M30 central thread
  • large and bright LED display
  • LED pilot light is permanently on as well as parallax-free and safe
CellaTemp   PKL 63 AF 1    
Measuring   range   
650 –   1600 °C    
Target   size   
4,1×0,6   mm    
Focus   distance   
0,21   m    
Shape of   the measuring field   
Measuring   principle   
Sighting   option   
LED   targeting light    
Dispositivo de mira Puntero láser
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