Alutal Measure & Trust

Threaded Wells - PRR and PRC series

Thermowells are used in critical applications subject to high pressure, corrosive media, vibrations due to high velocity of the fluid and where high mechanical strength and longer life are necessary

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The product

The Wells extend the life of the temperature sensors, protecting them from flow effects, pressure and corrosion allowing the maintenance or replacement of the element without the need to stop the process.

Are widely used in energy industries, pharmaceutical and petrochemical products and in a variety of applications in process controls.

Are build from solid bar and machined internally and externally and are divided into two groups:  threaded and flanges, straight or conical shaft.

To specify the protection wells, observe the correct material specification, installation environment, insertion length, response time, flow velocity and temperature.

The following wells are the most common in industrial applications, other types, materials and standards can be provided, for instance:  wells for welding, probes with reduced peak, wells in Hastelloy, monel, titanium, Teflon coated, flanges in JIS, DIN, etc, standards. For more information, see our sales department.

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technical diagrams
PRR - Poço Rosqueado Reto
PRC - Poço Rosqueado Cônico

Characteristics of metal protection tubes

Material Maximum Aplication Temperature Characteristics
Carbon steel 550°C Satisfactory corrosion resistance, can be used in oxidizing and reducing atmospheres,

but for a shorter period of time

Nodular cast
iron (pearlitic)
700°C Use on non-ferrous metals.
Stainless steel 304 900°C Good resistance to oxidation and corrosion, not recommended for use in the

presence of sulfur or reducing flames. Subject to pitting corrosion.

Stainless steel 316 900°C Contains A, superior resistance to 304 stainless steel, acids and alkalis.
Chrome steel 446 1100°C Excellent resistance to corrosion and oxidation at high temperatures, good resistance in

sulfur atmosphere. Applications in heat treatment furnaces.

Inconel 600 1150°C Excellent resistance to oxidation at high temperature, good corrosion resistance,

should not be used in atmospheres containing sulfur (sulfur) above 500°C.

Stainless steel 310 1100°C Good mechanical strength, excellent resistance to corrosion and oxidation.

Good resistance in sulfurous reducing atmospheres.

Nicrobell D 1250°C Excellent mechanical resistance, oxidation and corrosion.

Not recommendedfor use in sulphurous atmospheres.

Terasest 1260°C
Excellent resistance to oxidation, corrosion and high-temperature
mechanical properties, superior to stainless steel and high-nickel alloys,
excellent resistance in carbonized, reducing and vacuum atmospheres.

Characteristics of metal protection tubes


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