Alutal Measure & Trust

SALT-K Series

The SALT-K series has its own assembly to make reading in salt bath, its angular shape makes the head, connector block and extension cord out of the hottest zone of the furnace. The angular connection is welded to the tubes, thus avoiding penetration of salt, which would corrode and damage the sensor.

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Série SALT-K

Tabela Especificação em Português / Specifications Table in English

Prefixo Tubo de Proteção Comprimento

“U” (mm)

“H” (mm)
SALT-K 446 – Aço Cromo 446

600- Inconel 600
Especificar Especificar RBC – Com certificado

para 3 pontos

Prefix Protective tube “U” Length (mm) “H” Length (mm) Options
SALT-K 446 – Chrome Steel 446

600- Inconel 600

To specify To specify RBC – With certificate
to 3 points


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