Alutal Measure & Trust

Thermocouple TUBSEN Series

The TUBSEN series is focused on the application of temperature measurement in round or circular surfaces. Easy fastening without the need for welding or drilling is widely used in the food industry (pipes), chemical, heating lines (steam pipe), chemical industries and others. The temperature sensor is fixed on a stainless steel clamp, which is fitted under pressure.

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The product

Thus, it is possible to measure the temperature of the liquid / gas being transported indirectly, being able to create alarms IHM’s and PLCs relating to the security line and other additional needs.

The sensor cable length and size of the clamp can be configurable, there is also the option with temperature transmitters on request.

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Alutal performs tests at all stages of the production process of its sensors. Check below the tests and certifications applicable to this series. If you wish to obtain a copy of the tests performed for the entire batch of your purchase, request them from the sales department when placing your order.

Certificates for that series:


Modelo Diâmetro

de Abraçadeira
Calibração / Erro Comprimento

do Cabo
Terminação Certificado

de Calibração


K / J / T – -20 até 350°C

erro de +/- 2,2°C

Pt 100 – -20 até 350°C

erro de +/-0,5°C
Especificar em mm –

cabo de teflonresistente

até 250°C
CG – Com conector polarizado

macho grande

CM – Com conector macho

polarizado miniatura

X – Sem Conector
X – Para nenhum ponto

RBC – Com certificado de

calibração RBC para 3 pontos



Energy self-sustainable


Customers around the world

ISO 9001

Certified since 2006


Parts delivered monthly

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