Alutal Measure & Trust

Thermocouple / Thermoresistance / Temperature Sensor with Magnetic Mounting MAG - K - INX

Certain test points require temperature readings, but often the location where the sensor is to be installed cannot be drilled or there is simply no time for this. With the MAG-SENSOR® from Alutal Controles Industriais, attaching a sensor is as simple as placing a magnet on the refrigerator door. Just position the sensor and that's it: its strong magnet does the fixing work for you.

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The product

These sensors are mounted with a strong Neodymium Boron magnet. This type of sensor is suitable for use on ferrous surfaces and can also be used on round parts such as pipes.

Even at the highest temperatures within the paint and powder coating industry these sensors ensure a secure hold.

The thin thermocouple has an ultra-fast response and can be used in conjunction with the IS2000P portable indicator and has a 2 meter long extension cable.

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technical diagrams

Tabela Especificação em Português / Specifications Table in English

Prefixo Corpo Comprimento do Cabo (mm)


TEF – Teflon


Prefix Body Cable Length (mm)
MAG-SENSOR INOX – Stainless Steel

TEF – Teflon

To specify


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