Alutal Measure & Trust

BBK-1000 Series

Check the temperature of your barbecue has never been so easy! With Alutal temperature gauge spit BBK-1000 series is possible to determine the internal temperature of the meat, thereby maintaining quality standards and constant cooking.

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Tabela Especificação em Português / Specifications Table in English

Comprimento total 360 mm
Alimentação 2 pilhas / baterias tipo AAA 1,5 V
Display LCD Com Backlight de alta luminosidade
Faixa de medição 0 a 200°C ou 32 a 380°F (comutável)
Tipos de carnes selecionáveis Carne bovina, cordeiro, carne de porco, frango, peixe e hambúrguer
5 níveis de sabor (ponto) Entre mal passado e bem passado
Protetor Para as pontas do garfo

Total Length (mm) 360 mm
Charging 2 batteries / 1.5V AAA batteries
LCD Display With high brightness backlight
Measuring range 0 to 200 ° C or 32 ° F A380 (switchable)
Types of selected meat Beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish and hamburger
5 flavor levels (point) Among rare and well-done
Protector For the fork tips


Energy self-sustainable


Customers around the world

ISO 9001

Certified since 2006


Parts delivered monthly

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