Alutal Measure & Trust

Direct measurement - TRS 11/12/13

The sensors TRS series 11/12/13 have an accuracy of 0.5 ° C and can be installed in wells to protect quick replacement in case of sensor failure. Sheathed in stainless steel as standard, they are suitable for direct measurement processes in preparation / distribution of drinks. The sensors with connection pot TRS11 Series (without head) are most suitable for brewing tanks and other cold drinks because of the need to use insulating against moisture. Thus the cable length must be specified in the order.

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The product

printhead assembly with sensors moisture can condense within the housing, leading to unstable and incorrect measurements.

Sensors TRS13 Series (with large head) have a possibility Temperature Transmitters installation on their heads. Note that the temperature sensor head is not used for condensation environments, since the sensor may suffer from interference from environmental moisture that is installed.

Temperature Transmitters are by definition electronic devices that convert the signal from the temperature sensors and convert an analog signal that is transmitted to the reading instrument. But why its use?

We list a few reasons below:

1) Distance and Cost – A temperature transmitter has no physical limit of distance between the sensor and instrument, since the signal thermocouple / RTD is amplified and converted into electric current (4 mA ~ 20). In the case of thermocouples and resistance thermometers, even with the use of appropriate cables and special this threshold is related 200 to 300 meters, depending on the characteristic of the sensor and installation. The instrumentation cabling costs for retransmission are also typically smaller than the cost of a thermocouple cable.

2) Intelligent Sensor – Sensors with communication with HART protocol, Modbus and Profibus ® may have special features, such as Auto Checking, maintaining the read value and alarm in case of rupture of the sensor, among others.

3) Signal Universality – A temperature transmitter converts the sensor signal to universal signals Instrumentation. As there are many types of temperature sensors, thermocouples and resistance thermometers, the possibility of flexible sensor x instrument in a large loop is much higher.

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technical diagrams
TRS11 - Termorresistência reto com pote
TRS12 - Termorresistência reto com cabeçote miniatura
TRS13 - Termorresistência reto com cabeçote grande

Tabela Especificação em Português / Specifications Table in English

Prefixo Calibração Ligação Terminal Diâmetro

Haste (mm)

Haste (mm)
Conexão Rosca Comprimento

Cabo (mm)
TRS 11 – B Termorresistência PT100 (Faixa de -40 até 250°C) precisão +/-0,4°C com pote de ligação 2 – 2 Fios

3 – 3 Fios

4 – 4 Fios
PL – Pote Liso

PRM8 – Pote roscado M8

PRM10 – Pote

roscado M10
30 – 3

47 – 4,7

60 – 6

80 – 8

100 – 10

120 – 12
Especificar NX (Sem conexão)

RFC (Fixa)

BA (Bucim Ajustável)

10B – 1/8″BSP

10N – 1/8″NPT

14B – 1/4″BSP

14N – 1/4″NPT

21B – 1/2″BSP

21N – 1/2″NPT

27B – 3/4″BSP

27N – 3/4″NPT

NX – Sem cabo
P04 – Trança em

aço de inox

RBC – Certificado

RBC em 3 pontos

TTM – Transmissor de Temperatura Microprocessado

Nota: Informar a

faixa de calibração

do transmissor
TRS 12 – B Termorresistência PT100 (Faixa de -40 até 250°C) precisão +/-0,4°C cabeçote miniatura KSB 21 – Cabeçote em plástico industrial miniatura (Baquelite) com saída elétrica de½” BSP

KSE 21 – Cabeçote em alumínio miniatura com saída elétrica de½” BSP
TRS 13 – B Termorresistência PT100 (Faixa de -40 até 250°C) precisão +/-0,4°C com cabeçote grande KNB 21 – Cabeçote em plástico industrial (Baquelite) com saída elétrica de½” BSP

KNE 21 – Cabeçote em alumínio com saída elétrica de½” BSP

Prefix Calibration Link Terminal Rod Diameter
Rod Length (mm) Connection Screw Cable Length (mm) Options
TRS 11 – B RTD PT100 (range -40 to 250 ° C) accuracy +/- 0.4 ° C with connection pot 2 – 2 Wires

3 – 3 Wires

4 – 4 Wires

PL – Flat Pot

PRM8 – Pot threaded M8

PRM10 – Pot
threaded M10

30 – 3
47 – 4,7
60 – 6
80 – 8
100 – 10
120 – 12

To specify NX (No connection)

RFC (Fixed)

BA (Adjustable Gland)

10B – 1/8 “BSP
10N – 1/8 “NPT
14B – 1/4 “BSP
14N – 1/4 “NPT
21B – 1/2 “BSP
21N – 1/2 “NPT
27 B – 3/4 “BSP
27N – 3/4 “NPT
To specify

NX – No cable

P04 – Braids in
Stainless steel

RBC – Certificate
RBC 3 points

TTM – Temperature Transmitter Microprocessor

Note: Inform
calibration range

TRS 12 – B RTD PT100 (range -40 to 250 ° C) accuracy +/- 0.4 ° C miniature head KSB 21 – miniature industrial plastic head (Bakelite) with de½ electrical outlet “BSP

KSE 21 – Head miniature aluminum de½ electrical outlet “BSP

TRS 13 – B RTD PT100 (range -40 to 250 ° C) accuracy +/- 0.4 ° C with large head KNE 21 – Head in industrial plastic (Bakelite) with de½ electrical outlet “BSP

KNE 21 – head in aluminum with de½ electrical output “BSP


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