Alutal Measure & Trust

Echotel® model 335 four-wire ultrasonic non-contact transmitter

The Echotel® Model 335 is a four-wire, integral mount, ultrasonic non-contact transmitter for liquid level, volume, and open channel flow measurement. Featuring advanced digital signal processing and a powerful transducer, this versatile transmitter provides exceptional measurement performance in a wide variety of applications.

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The product

Ultrasonic non-contact technology 

The level measurement is made by emitting an ultrasonic pulse from the transducer, then measuring the time required for the echo to reflect from the liquid surface and return to the transducer. The powerful electronics measure the time of the round trip pulse and, by knowing the speed of sound, calculate the distance. Since speed of sound is temperature dependent, the transducer also measures the temperature in the vessel to provide compensation for changing temperature.


  • Custom graphics LCD display module with operational status icons.
  • Advanced digital signal processing assures reliable measurement in difficult applications
  • Dual function bar graph displays echo signal strength or tank level
  • 50 kHz transducer with 26 ft (8 meter) range
  • Narrow, 7 degree beam angle for excellent focus
  • 4–20 mA output and SPDT relay for level control, alarm, diagnostics or remote flow totalization
  • Fixed target suppression to eliminate interference from in-tank obstructions
  • Common tank shapes and 32-point linearization table for volume calculations
  • Extensive support of flume and weir calculations for open channel flow
  • Two totalizers for flow, one resettable, and one non-resettable
  • Temperature compensation over full range of transducer


  • Input power 85 to 255 VAC or 24 VDC

Operating principle

Non-contact ultrasonic level technology is a proven method for accurate liquid level measurement. This technology features the ability to measure the level or volume of the fluid without making physical contact with the material. This is especially important in applications containing corrosive materials, suspended solids or coating media.

The level measurement is made by emitting an ultrasonic pulse from the transducer and measuring the time required for the echo to reflect from the liquid surface and return to the transducer. The powerful electronics measure the time of the round trip pulse and, by knowing the speed of sound, calculates the distance. Since speed of sound is temperature dependent, the transducer also measures the temperature in the vessel to provide compensation for changing temperature.

By inputting the type and geometry of the vessel, the intelligent electronics can calculate the liquid volume in the vessel. In a similar operation, the Model 335 can perform open channel flow measurement by converting the level reading into units of volume per time. Common tank shapes, flumes, and weirs are stored in the 335 software. A 32-point linearization table is also available for unusual tanks or primary flow elements.

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