Alutal Measure & Trust

Jupiter® JM4 magnetostrictive level transmitter

The Jupiter® JM4 liquid level transmitter is a loop-powered 24 VDC liquid-level transmitter and is available as a direct insertion transmitter or as an external mounted transmitter onto a Magnetic Level Indicator. It relies on the position of a magnetic float which is designed precisely for the liquid to be measured. This high-accuracy device can be designed for liquid level and/or liquid-liquid interface measurement. The high safety level of JUPITER is demonstrated by a Safe Failure Fraction > 90 %.

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The product

Magnetostrictive technology

A low-energy pulse, generated by the JUPITER electronics, travels the length of the magnetostrictive wire. A return signal is generated from the precise location where the magnetic field of a float intersects the wire. A timer precisely measures the elapsed time between the generation of the pulse and the return of the acoustic signal. Each cycle occurs ten times per second, providing real-time and highly accurate level data.


  • 4-button user interface and graphical LCD display provide enhanced depth of data, indicating on-screen waveforms and troubleshooting tips.
  • 4-20 mA output
  • Rotatable housing can be dismantled without depressurising the vessel via “Quick connect/disconnect” probe coupling.
  • Ergonomic dual compartment enclosure
  • Simple set-up and configuration
  • Smart Probe Technology
  • Easy attachment to an MLI
  • Direct insertion for a wide variety of vessels and applications


  • HART® digital communications
  • Hastelloy® or Monel® materials of construction
  • Threaded or flanged process connections
  • External Jupiter models can be top or bottom mounted to an MLI

Operating principle

Jupiter operates on the Time-of-Flight principle. A low energy pulse, initiated by the transmitter electronics, travels the length of the magnetostrictive wire 10 times per second. A return signal is generated from the precise location where the magnetic field of a float intersects the wire, resulting in a mechanical wave response. A timer precisely measures the elapsed time from the generation of the pulse and the moment each return wave is captured by a piezoelectric sensor.


ATEX Ex d, Ex ia, Ex n, NI
EAC (GOST) Ex d, Ex ia, Metrology
IEC Ex d, Ex ia, Ex n, EX t
Inmetro Ex d, Ex ia
Korea Ex ia
SIL SIL 1/2 (1oo1)

Other approvals are available. Consult factory for more details.

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Energy self-sustainable


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ISO 9001

Certified since 2006


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