Alutal Measure & Trust

TX200 Series Analog

Explosion proof pressure transmitter The TX200 is a compact, rugged pressure transmitter utilizing ASIC technology to provide optimum sensor signal conditioning and temperature compensation of the sensor output. It is designed for process control industries worldwide and ideally suited for petrochemical and upstream oil and gas applications. The TX200 provides a cost-effective solution to using conventional process transmitters.

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The product


  • Compact, 316 stainless steel, hermetically sealed enclosure
  • Fixed range or field-adjustable pressure transmitter
  • 4 20 mA, or 1-5 VDC, or 0-10 VDC output
  • 0.25% accuracy
  • UL & ATEX approved for hazardous locations worldwide
  • Pressure ranges up to 25,000 psi
  • Now available with stainless steel accessories (e.g. junction box)
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ISO 9001

Certified since 2006


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