The product
The online analysis provided by the Model 204 PermaStream™ is economically superior to inaccurate laboratory analyzers where unstable grab samples result in VOC deterioration which produces analytical errors. The water sample continuously flows into the analyzer and the heated PermaStream™ unit effectively strips the hydrocarbons in the water based on Henry’s Law. A carrier air then sweeps the hydrocarbons from the PermaStream™ and transports them to the metal-oxide sensor for a quantitative analysis. The advanced HMI (Human Machine Interface) quantifies and displays the values on the color touchscreen display, 4-20mA output loop and can communicate via RS-485, TCP/IP Ethernet and Modbus. Remote and Web based monitoring and control of the analyzer is available as an option.
- No Sample Conditioning Required
- Ultra-low Maintenance
- Dependable Operation
- Consumable Free