Alutal Measure & Trust

Ciencias de la Vida

Fermenter anti-foam vessels

Continuous Liquid level measurement of fermenter anti-foam vessels. Challenge The customer required continuous, reliable/repeatable level measurement in 2 x anti foam vessels to ensure that the anti-foam level was maintained correctly to support the upstream fermentation process. Each vessel is only 300mm diameter and 1200mm in height, with a bottom, centrally mounted, agitator 600mm in height. The required vessel entry is a (fairly unusual) side mounted DN25 DIN 2633 connection. Solution Magnetrol manufactured probes with the required DIN 2633 flanges, bent at 90 degrees (see pictures) that (as with all their hygienic GWR) could be separated from the flange assembly and reassembled once the probe is inserted into the vessel. After the simple installation procedure, the Magnetrol probes were quickly commissioned using Pactware configuration software. Simple configuration changes allowed us to reliably and repeatedly measure the anti-foam level whilst completely ignoring the 90 degree bend in our probe and the influence of the agitator and vessel wall-both less than 25mm from the probes.

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High fructose corn syrup storage tanks

Two tanks (52’ Tall – Light Viscosity – 500 cP, and 40’ Tall – High Viscosity – 180000 cP) stored high fructose corn syrup for manufacturing processes that required accurate level measurement. Challenge The customer was using a pressure sensor at the base of their tanks to measure level. The sensor would become covered with the syrup and would not accurately measure the level, causing their inventory to be off significantly. The specific gravity of the product also varied, giving them accuracy issues. This inaccuracy was causing inventory and accounting mistakes. Solution Since the tanks were 52’ and 40’ tall and only about 12’ in diameter, we needed to use Guided Wave Radar technology for continuous level measurement.We used singlecable flexible probe for the light corn syrup application and a twin-cable flexible probe for the heavy corn syrup, due to the pull down force on the antenna when the HFCS was cold.Each unit was sold with a Precision Digital PD6000-6R5 – 2 Relays & 4-20 mA Out =- 85-265 VAC & 24 VDC Transmitter Supply and Precision Digital PD2811 – Plastic NEMA 4 Enclosure for 1?8 DIN Meters. These units powered the radars, sent a 4–20mA signal to their control room and had high level alarm relay points. They benefited by having excellent control over their inventory. This saved them time and money.

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Tanques de desmineralización for Sanitary industries

Debido a que las calderas de alta presión modernas evaporan varios millones de libras de agua cada hora de trabajo, la pureza del agua de alimentación que circula dentro de la caldera es esencial. El tratamiento químico reduce materiales formadores de sarro y contenido de oxigeno corrosivo. Un evaporador de agua de alimentación puede usarse como método alternativo a químicos eliminando impurezas al evaporar agua cruda con vapor de extracción. Muy a menudo, la pureza del agua de alimentación se logra con tratamiento químico. Reto Debido a que los químicos de soporte para tratamiento de agua pueden incluir cáustica, hipo-cloruro de sodio, acido sulfúrico u otros aditivos, los requerimientos individuales de químicos y de almacenaje dictarán el instrumento de nivel seleccionado.

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