Alutal Measure & Trust

4-Pole Conductivity Probes

4-Pole sensors were designed for the measurement of liquid conductivity. The engineering design based on 4-electrode principle guarantees excellent linearity from 1 μS/cm up to 300 mS/cm. The main application for Conducell sensors is the in-line measurement under demanding conditions found in biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications.

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The product

Conducell 4UxF

Great linearity over a broad measurement range. Well suited for hygienic applications with standard PG13.5 threads as well as Varivent and Neumo BIOConnect options.

Conducell 4US

With Triclamp and G 1 1/4″ process connections the Conducell 4US can be directly mounted into sanitary process fittings with no additional housing needed.

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Energy self-sustainable


Customers around the world

ISO 9001

Certified since 2006


Parts delivered monthly

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