Alutal Measure & Trust

Helical Thermowell Protection

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The product

Accuracy and speed in temperature measurements are vital in the industry. However, a persistent challenge is how to mitigate vortex-induced vibrations in thermowells without compromising measurement effectiveness. Although the ASME PTC 19.3 standard suggests conventional methods, such as adjustments to diameter and insertion length, these solutions do not always meet specific needs, potentially resulting in dimensions that negatively affect the functionality of the thermowell and the sensor response.

Addressing this gap, Alutal presents an innovative alternative: Helical Thermowells. This solution does not fall within the conventional guidelines of ASME PTC 19.3 but offers a revolutionary approach with a helical strip at the tip, specifically designed to reduce vibrations. This innovation ensures the protection of the temperature sensor in corrosive, high-pressure, and high-velocity environments, providing fast and accurate measurements.

Alutal’s helical thermowells represent a significant advancement in industrial instrumentation, ensuring the integrity of measurements under challenging conditions. We are the only company in Brazil that provides a detailed performance study for this constructive technology, demonstrating our commitment to innovation and excellence in temperature measurement.

Discover how our helical thermowells can transform your industrial applications, ensuring precise and reliable measurements, surpassing the limits of conventional solutions.

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Poço Helicoidal Flangeado


Energy self-sustainable


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ISO 9001

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