Alutal Measure & Trust

Pre-Pressurized pH and ORP Probes

Pre-pressurized pH and ORP probes are specifically targeted at the demanding needs of bioprocess industries such as upstream and downstream pharmaceutical, food, beverage, and brewing.

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The product

The EasyFerm family has multiple glass pH membrane types to withstand autoclavation, SIP and CIP cleaning.

EasyFerm Plus

The EasyFerm Plus pH sensor is Hamilton’s most popular product. When specified with PHI glass the sensor provides extremely low drift over the sensor lifespan.

EasyFerm Bio

EasyFerm Bio pH sensors offer Foodlyte biocompatible electrolyte and EHEDG Certification for pH measurement in processes where non-toxicity is mandatory.

EasyFerm ORP

EasyFerm Plus ORP sensors offer the same pre-pressurized reference design as our pH sensors with a large, easy-to-clean platinum ORP electrode.

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Energy self-sustainable


Customers around the world

ISO 9001

Certified since 2006


Parts delivered monthly

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