Alutal Measure & Trust

Housings - Flowcells - Sockets

Making analytical measurements in an active process requires hardware to safely and reliably hold the sensor in the process. Hamilton offers a variety of static and retractable housings, flow cells, and weld-in safety sockets to meet the various needs and use cases.

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The product

Static Housings – FlexiFit

FlexiFit static housings are perfect for batch applications where the sensor can be easily removed when the process has completed.

Retractable Sensor Housings

Continuous processes requires retractable sensor holders that allow easy insertion and removal of the sensor while the process continues to run.

Pressurized Housings

Used with the ChemoTrode sensor family, pressurization ensures a constant electrolyte flow which helps to prevent clogging and poisoning of the electrolyte.


Ideal for sample line applications. Flow-through cells are used to make analytical measurements in systems where the sensor cannot be directly installed.

Weld-in Sockets and Blind Plugs

Hygienic weld-in safety sockets (Ingold 25mm style) are suitable for hygienic housings like the FlexiFit Bio.

Service Kits and Parts

Seal replacement kits and spare parts to keep your sensor housings working properly.

RetractoControl 2

Pneumatic control system for Retractex housings. In addition to automatic sensor retraction it can actuate pneumatic valves for automatic sensor cleaning.

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ISO 9001

Certified since 2006


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